PinnedFractional Flow Curve with Tangents and Fractional Flow Derivative with PythonAs a Petroleum engineer or petroleum engineering student, a meeting with classical enhanced oil recovery studies must come with the use of…Dec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
The Fastest way to Implement Django Password Reset: Subclassing Django Auth Views.Authentication helps us perform a login, logout, signup, and password reset operation in our applications. The Django Web Framework comes…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
DEPLOYING DJANGO APP TO GOOGLE CLOUD USING CLOUD RUNMy quest to deploy my Django app on Google Cloud started rather crudely without first digging to know the Google Cloud services to use. The…Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
Beneyoyo Rewards Passion for Writing and Social Interaction.Hi friends, Today I have decided to take some time to do a review on my latest discovery. And what’s that? — another trending Nigeria…Sep 27, 2021Sep 27, 2021
FRESH PERSPECTIVES TOWARDS BIRTHING A THRIVING OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY.Increasing Membership Conversion. Enhancing Graduate Engineers Participation. Promoting Entrepreneurship.May 14, 20211May 14, 20211
The Color of My Skin🌹Trouble not yourself son. It’s just how we found ourselves. Neither I nor my father could tell. Our hearts and mind are nothing different…Jun 3, 20201Jun 3, 20201
GLEANINGS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTION: A LAYMAN’S APPROACHHave you ever tried filling a hundred-liter drum by drawing water from a well, using a rope tied to a fetcher? It requires a lot of energy…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: MY CONCERNThere have been predictions in the past years and recently as to the outlook of the future of the petroleum industry. But it is quite…May 27, 20201May 27, 20201